E’Lonna Butler

Phone: 843-450-1939

After graduating from college I married my husband, Bob. That was in December of 1971 and we are still together, blessed with 2 fantastic sons, and 4 awesome grandchildren.  A blended family gives us more wonderful grandchildren and great-grandchildren. God is so good and I am thankful for His presence in our lives.

After teaching school for ten years, I realized I wanted something different in my life. That’s when I became a Realtor. It was exactly what I wanted and with God’s help, it became a very important part of my life. Everyday is a new experience with lots of challenges and even more blessings. This journey has introduced me to many people from many places. Many have become my life long friends.

I believe in what I do and each day I ask God to guide my steps and to keep me on His path.  I depend on Him for everything and am so thankful He is in my life.  I want everyone to know God: our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ: the Son, and the Holy Spirit.